Ruth Nadia practises NO HANDS® massage.
This is an approach to massage that is different to most other massage. NO HANDS Massage uses the practitioner's body weight and gravity, with the contact point usually being the forearm (but sometimes the shoulder, leg, knee or elbow). This means you can receive a very deep massage, that is somehow soft at the same time. (You can also have it very light, if that is what you prefer).
By using body weight, rather than muscles, it is zero strain on the practitioner, so Ruth Nadia can massage all day long without any aching fingers or joints. NO HANDS Massage originates from Gerry Pyves, as outlined in "The Principles and Practice of No Hands Massage" (Pyves 2000).
Your session will begin with a chance to explain exactly what you would like out of your massage. The treatment is then prepared, based on what you have requested. No two treatments are the same; whether you want deep work on a specific area, or a general full body massage, and some time to yourself to be cared for.
You might want:
- a full body massage
- back and shoulders
- a reflex treatment
- a colon massage
- a leg massage
- reiki (either on its own, or combined with massage)
- massage specifically for pregnant women
- any combination of the above, or something completely different.
The massages are with oil, but clothed massages are available, if you would prefer.
75 minutes: *£60
Payment is required upon booking.
*In order to make massage accessible to everyone, there are discounts for NHS staff and people on low wages or benefits:
NHS workers and those with incomes lower than £25,00 per year before tax: £45
Those receiving Working Tax Credit: £40
Those receiving ESA, Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support, Carers Allowance or those who have had their benefits sanctioned: £30
Please bring recent documentation relating to receipt of benefits to your appointment.
Enquire to find out more, or to book.
This is an approach to massage that is different to most other massage. NO HANDS Massage uses the practitioner's body weight and gravity, with the contact point usually being the forearm (but sometimes the shoulder, leg, knee or elbow). This means you can receive a very deep massage, that is somehow soft at the same time. (You can also have it very light, if that is what you prefer).
By using body weight, rather than muscles, it is zero strain on the practitioner, so Ruth Nadia can massage all day long without any aching fingers or joints. NO HANDS Massage originates from Gerry Pyves, as outlined in "The Principles and Practice of No Hands Massage" (Pyves 2000).
Your session will begin with a chance to explain exactly what you would like out of your massage. The treatment is then prepared, based on what you have requested. No two treatments are the same; whether you want deep work on a specific area, or a general full body massage, and some time to yourself to be cared for.
You might want:
- a full body massage
- back and shoulders
- a reflex treatment
- a colon massage
- a leg massage
- reiki (either on its own, or combined with massage)
- massage specifically for pregnant women
- any combination of the above, or something completely different.
The massages are with oil, but clothed massages are available, if you would prefer.
75 minutes: *£60
Payment is required upon booking.
*In order to make massage accessible to everyone, there are discounts for NHS staff and people on low wages or benefits:
NHS workers and those with incomes lower than £25,00 per year before tax: £45
Those receiving Working Tax Credit: £40
Those receiving ESA, Job Seekers Allowance, Income Support, Carers Allowance or those who have had their benefits sanctioned: £30
Please bring recent documentation relating to receipt of benefits to your appointment.
Enquire to find out more, or to book.
Ruth Nadia Massage bank details:
Account name: Ruth N Berkoff
Account number: 14234066
Sort code: 08-92-86
Account name: Ruth N Berkoff
Account number: 14234066
Sort code: 08-92-86
Telephone: 0779 2498 616