5 rhythms - a practice that guides you through different ways of moving to express exactly how you are, right now. No judgement. "There is freedom to be found in movement". Find teachers all around the world on their website.
Silvija Tomcik - Silvija is an inspiring 5 rhythms teacher based in Croatia. She shares music to dance / move to on her Mixcloud page.
Chapel Allerton Pilates - a system to strengthen the body in subtle ways that can protect it from damage. Chapel Allerton Pilates has some excellent, highly trained Pilates teachers.
Taking Charge of your Fertility - a fascinating book that teaches about the menstrual cycle. Learn how to understand the changes that happen in the body and how to chart the menstrual to either avoid getting pregnant, or to raise your chances. The website has free printouts of charts and lotf of info.
Feel Better, Live More - Dr Chaterjee has engaging discussions with experts about all things health and well-being on his weekly podcast.
5 rhythms - a practice that guides you through different ways of moving to express exactly how you are, right now. No judgement. "There is freedom to be found in movement". Find teachers all around the world on their website.
Silvija Tomcik - Silvija is an inspiring 5 rhythms teacher based in Croatia. She shares music to dance / move to on her Mixcloud page.
Chapel Allerton Pilates - a system to strengthen the body in subtle ways that can protect it from damage. Chapel Allerton Pilates has some excellent, highly trained Pilates teachers.
Taking Charge of your Fertility - a fascinating book that teaches about the menstrual cycle. Learn how to understand the changes that happen in the body and how to chart the menstrual to either avoid getting pregnant, or to raise your chances. The website has free printouts of charts and lotf of info.
Feel Better, Live More - Dr Chaterjee has engaging discussions with experts about all things health and well-being on his weekly podcast.

Dr Kristin Neff - regarded as one of the world’s leading experts on self-compassion. Her teachings help you to discover how to be kind to yourself (even if you think you don't deserve it.)
The Science of Wellbeing - Yale professor, Dr Laurie Santos, has dedicated her life to exploring the science behind happiness. Through Yale University you can do a FREE 10 week online happiness course run by Dr Santos.
The Happiness Lab - a podcast with Dr Laurie Santos covering many of the same topics as the 10 week course, but with interviews with experts who have studied well-being. Great tips on how to build more happiness into your life.
Samaritans - a UK based volunteer organisation if you ever feel distressed and would appreciate a listening ear. Confidential, non-judgemental listening available on the phone or via email 24 hours a day.
Unfuck Your Brain - a great podcast teaching you how to take back control of your thoughts.

Other Useful Resources
NO HANDS® Massage Association - where Ruth Nadia learnt how to massage without her hands. An intuitive, gentle, powerful approach, with practitioners all over the world.
Amy Gibson - talented, approachable, Australian photographer based in Paris. Most of the photos on this website were taken by Amy.
École Philippe Gaulier - the theatre school where Ruth Nadia studied in France.
NO HANDS® Massage Association - where Ruth Nadia learnt how to massage without her hands. An intuitive, gentle, powerful approach, with practitioners all over the world.
Amy Gibson - talented, approachable, Australian photographer based in Paris. Most of the photos on this website were taken by Amy.
École Philippe Gaulier - the theatre school where Ruth Nadia studied in France.